Maunula Project

2009 | Helsinki

In the Maunula Project, fifth and seventh graders from Maunula Primary School explored the development of Maunula. The aim was to give children the opportunity to influence the development of their local environment.

Pupils first learned how Maunula developed into a suburban area. They also took a field trip to Maunula’s center, where they photographed both aspects worthy of preservation and those that could be improved or removed. In class, pupils discussed the ideas that emerged from the trip.

In design workshops, pupils drew their vision of the future Maunula according to their wishes, considering aspects like traffic arrangements, services, and building appearances. Besides their own plans, workshops included reviewing architects’ plans for redeveloping Maunula’s center.

The pupils’ plans were presented at the Helsinki City Planning Department‘s “Esikaupungeissa tapahtuu!” exhibition, the Saunabaari Service Center, and the Maunula Area Forum, where pupils presented their designs to Maunula residents and city planning department designers.