Hyvää syyslomaa! Glad höstlov! Happy autumn holidays!
Arkin ryhmät lomailevat viikolla 42.
Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth offers basic education in architecture for 4–19-year-olds in Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa. Arkki also offers holiday camps and themed courses for school children, as well as custom workshops for groups such as kindergartens and schools. Join us in building a sustainable future – play, create, and succeed!
At Arkki, the content of basic art education for 4–19-year-olds is derived from the students’ own environments, current phenomena, and the inspiring worlds of architecture.
In addition to the popular hut-building and model-making camps, Arkki’s camp selection includes many other camps and courses that delve into various themes of architecture and art from different perspectives.
School and kindergarten groups can enrich their learning through custom workshops offered by Arkki, focusing on themes of architecture and the built environment.
Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth is an educational institution maintained by a non-profit association of the same name, which began its activities in 1994. Today, Arkki offers basic art education in architecture, covering a broad syllabus for 650 students in Espoo, Helsinki, and Vantaa. Nearly 400 enthusiastic builders also participate in summer camps each year. Various workshops, themed courses, events, and projects further expand the reach of the activities. The aim is to spark interest in their environment among children and young people and help them build a creative, active, and engaged citizen’s toolkit.
Arkin ryhmät lomailevat viikolla 42.
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Arkki actively participates in many projects to promote and develop architecture education. In addition to project activities, educational materials are also published for everyone to use. Architecture, by its nature, is multidisciplinary and encourages participation – therefore, it is particularly well-suited as a theme for the educational content of schools and kindergartens.
The meeting times of teaching groups and the schedules for the academic year.
Guides and frequently asked questions on registration, studies, and other practical matters.
All Arkki’s contact information related to activities, teaching, and billing.
Play, Create and Succeed!