Places in Planning –  Kaupunginkallionrinne

2022 | Espoo

Arkki and Espoo Urban Planning office gathered children’s and young people’s ideas for the planning of Kaupunginkallionrinne.

In the autumn semester of 2022, groups from Arkki’s Koulumestari school (6 groups) participated in brainstorming sessions about the future of the forested rock slope at the request of Espoo Urban Planning.

Urban Planning provided a video greeting to introduce the area’s planning situation. The city asked: How many and what kinds of housing could there be in the area? Where would they be located? How would you improve residents’ access to Espoo Central Park through the area?

Arkki pupils’ brainstorming processes began with an observational excursion to the planning site. What positive aspects were observed? What challenges were noticed? The ideation process progressed through discussions, sketching, and building models, both individually and in groups.

Espoo Urban Planning office later reviewed and analyzed Arkki pupils’ ideas as part of a broader body of material generated through resident participation.

Take a peek at the ideas of 4-6 years old pupils...

Take a peek at the ideas of 7-9 years old pupils...

Take a peek at the ideas of 10-14 years old pupils...